A new year heralds a new beginning, and so it may be fitting to get my book published in the beginning of 2008. You can view more about my first novel, “Strike of the Black Mamba”, on my website.
I have done extensive research on self-publishing and Internet promotion, and decided that I first wanted to go this route and test the waters. Seeing that I love to write, have some artistic ability and have done plenty of computer programming and web development, it just makes sense to me that I can go the self-publishing route with a minimum budget and a lot of courage. But knowing that I have nothing to lose, and a lot of new experiences to gain, the courage part diminishes somewhat and can rather be replaced by plenty of hard work (as I have experienced recently).Thus, I want to inform you, the readers of my blog, how I travel this journey of writing, publishing and promoting. One thing that I have promised myself, is to have fun doing it, or else stop doing it. So far I’ve had lots of fun!